HomeNewsLCCI Stresses Capital Expenditure and Diversification in Nigeria's 2024 Budget

LCCI Stresses Capital Expenditure and Diversification in Nigeria’s 2024 Budget

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Dr. Chinyere Almona, Director-General of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), calls for an urgent focus on capital expenditure and diversifying revenue streams in Nigeria’s 2024 budget.

In a recent statement in Lagos, Almona expressed concerns over the low performance of capital expenditure compared to recurrent expenditure. This discrepancy, she notes, poses serious implications for Nigeria’s infrastructure sector.

The proposed 2024 budget stands at a historic high of N27.5 trillion ($33.4 billion), a 21.4% increase from the previous year. Almona praised the budget’s strategic objectives, including macro-economic stability, optimizing the investment environment, and focusing on human capital development.

The budget sets an oil price benchmark of $77.96 per barrel. It also estimates a daily oil production of 1.78 million barrels. However, Almona highlighted the conservative nature of these assumptions, especially given the ongoing challenges in oil production.

Nigeria’s proposed budget relative to its GDP is notably lower than its African counterparts. This disparity, according to Almona, needs urgent attention from the government, particularly considering the nation’s renewed hope agenda.

Almona emphasized the need for significant investment in transport infrastructure. Such investment would address high fuel costs and logistical issues, impacting goods movement across the country.

The LCCI urges the government to look beyond oil revenues. Building investor confidence and enhancing foreign exchange earnings through non-oil exports is crucial. Almona suggests investing more in export infrastructure to ease bottlenecks in export logistics.

Almona calls for committed improvement in budget implementation across strategic sectors. These include agriculture, education, health, infrastructure, and security. Such commitment is vital for Nigeria’s economic growth and development.

The Nigerian economy faces numerous challenges, including high inflation and unemployment rates. The LCCI advises the government to adopt strategies that can stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities.

Sustainable economic growth in Nigeria requires a multifaceted approach. This includes policy reforms, investment in key sectors, and a focus on technological innovation to boost productivity.

Effective policy implementation is crucial for the success of the 2024 budget. The government must ensure that policies are not only well-crafted but also efficiently executed to achieve desired outcomes.

The private sector plays a vital role in Nigeria’s economic development. Almona advocates for policies that encourage private sector investment and participation in the economy.

As Nigeria prepares for its 2024 fiscal year, the insights and recommendations from LCCI provide a roadmap for effective budgeting and economic management. The government’s response to these suggestions will be pivotal in shaping the country’s economic future.

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