HomeNewsTinubu's Government Under Fire from Makinde Over Hardship

Tinubu’s Government Under Fire from Makinde Over Hardship

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Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu is facing criticism from one of his main opponents, Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, over the economic hardship and insecurity in the country. Makinde accused Tinubu of failing to address the rising inflation, poverty, and violence that have plagued Nigeria since he took office in 2023.

Makinde Blames Tinubu for Economic Woes

Makinde made his remarks on Tuesday, when he received a group of protesters at his office in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State. The protesters, led by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and civil society organizations, were demonstrating against the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government, which they said had increased the cost of living and transportation.

Makinde said that Tinubu’s decision to scrap the subsidy was untimely and ill-advised, as it had worsened the economic situation of millions of Nigerians who were already struggling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also said that Tinubu had failed to deliver on his campaign promises of creating jobs, improving security, and fighting corruption.

“Tinubu’s government has brought nothing but hardship and suffering to the people of Nigeria. He has failed to address the root causes of the problems facing our country, such as unemployment, insecurity, and corruption. Instead, he has imposed more burdens on the masses, who can barely afford to feed themselves and their families,” Makinde said.

Tinubu’s Allies Defend His Policies

Tinubu’s allies, however, have defended his policies, saying that they were necessary to boost the economy and reduce the dependence on oil revenue. They also accused Makinde of playing politics and spreading falsehoods to undermine Tinubu’s achievements and popularity.

The All Progressives Congress (APC), Tinubu’s ruling party, issued a statement on Wednesday, lambasting Makinde for his comments. The statement, signed by the party’s publicity secretary in Oyo State, Olawale Sadare, said that Makinde was the one who had failed to deliver good governance and development to his state, despite receiving huge allocations from the federal government.

“Gov. Makinde should stop blaming President Tinubu for his own failure to add value to his state. He should focus on how to improve the welfare and security of his people, instead of engaging in cheap propaganda and lies. President Tinubu is working hard to transform Nigeria into a prosperous and peaceful nation, and he deserves the support and cooperation of all patriotic Nigerians,” the statement read.

Nigeria’s Economy and Security in Crisis

Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy and most populous country, has been facing multiple challenges in recent years, ranging from economic recession, high inflation, rising poverty, and widespread insecurity. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria’s inflation rate rose to 18.9% in November 2023, the highest in four years. The World Bank estimates that about 40% of Nigerians, or 83 million people, live below the poverty line of $1.90 per day.

The security situation in Nigeria is also dire, as various armed groups continue to terrorize different parts of the country. In the northeast, the Islamist militants of Boko Haram and its splinter faction, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), have killed thousands of people and displaced millions since 2009. In the northwest, bandits have been carrying out kidnappings, killings, and robberies, while in the middle belt and northcentral, clashes between farmers and herders over land and resources have claimed hundreds of lives.

The Nigerian security forces have been struggling to contain the violence, and have been accused of committing human rights abuses, such as extrajudicial killings, torture, and arbitrary arrests, in the process. The government has also faced criticism for its lack of political will and accountability to address the root causes of the conflicts and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Source: Vanguard 


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