HomeNewsArchbishop Ugorji Calls for Urgent Healing

Archbishop Ugorji Calls for Urgent Healing

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In a poignant and deeply reflective address, the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) and Archbishop of Owerri Metropolitan, Most Rev. Luicius Iwejuru Ugorji, conveyed a somber depiction of Nigeria’s current state, illustrating it as a nation in dire straits. During a pastoral visit to Chimezie Catholic Parish located in Mgbuisii, within the Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area of Imo State, Archbishop Ugorji shared his profound concerns over the myriad of challenges facing Nigeria, drawing a vivid picture of a country grappling with severe maladies that have rendered it akin to a patient in critical condition, necessitating intensive care and life support to sustain its very existence.

Archbishop Ugorji’s diagnosis of Nigeria’s ailments extended beyond mere physical or economic indicators; it delved into the moral and societal fabric that binds the nation. He highlighted an array of systemic issues that have entrenched themselves within every layer of Nigerian society, including the pervasive influence of segregation, nepotism, sectionalism, and corruption. These, according to him, are symptoms of a deeper malaise that has not only eroded the nation’s moral compass but has also severely impacted its social and economic well-being.

The Archbishop pointed to the rampant insecurity plaguing the country, where citizens are increasingly besieged by fear, unable to undertake basic agricultural activities due to threats to their safety. This, in turn, has led to acute food shortages, exacerbating an already dire situation characterized by massive hunger and skyrocketing costs of living. The distressing state of Nigeria’s highways, marred by robbery and kidnapping, and the vulnerability of homes to attacks, underscored the Archbishop’s message of a nation under siege, where safety and security have become elusive luxuries.

Furthermore, Archbishop Ugorji lamented the apparent inability, unwillingness, or incompetence of those tasked with managing the nation’s affairs to address these critical issues effectively. He painted a grim picture of rural areas neglected and treated as though they were not part of Nigeria, laws flagrantly disregarded, and corruption rampant, with the nation’s wealth being plundered with impunity. The Archbishop’s words reflected a deep-seated concern for the moral decay that corruption represents, highlighting its role in stifling Nigeria’s progress and fostering a climate where political ambitions often lead to conflict and violence.

This stark portrayal of Nigeria’s condition by Archbishop Ugorji is a clarion call for introspection and action. It serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility of both leaders and citizens to confront the challenges that beset their nation. The Archbishop’s message transcends religious or sectarian boundaries, urging all Nigerians to unite in addressing the root causes of their nation’s ailments. It is a call to reclaim the moral and ethical standards that can guide Nigeria out of its present predicament and onto a path of recovery and rejuvenation.

As the nation grapples with these multifaceted challenges, Archbishop Ugorji’s reflections offer not just a critique but also an implicit roadmap for healing. It underscores the urgency of fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and just society, where the rule of law is upheld, and corruption is relentlessly combated. It highlights the necessity of ensuring the safety and security of all citizens, enabling them to contribute effectively to the nation’s development.

In essence, Archbishop Ugorji’s address is a poignant reminder of the resilience and strength inherent within the Nigerian spirit. It calls for a renewed commitment to the common good, urging leaders and citizens alike to work collaboratively towards the restoration of the nation’s health. Through collective effort, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to justice and equity, Nigeria can emerge from this critical juncture stronger and more unified, ready to face the challenges of the future with confidence and hope.

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