HomeNewsNigerian Electricity Workers Threaten Nationwide Blackout Over Union Leader's Arrest

Nigerian Electricity Workers Threaten Nationwide Blackout Over Union Leader’s Arrest

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The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) has issued a strong warning to the Nigerian government: if their General Secretary and President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero, is arrested, they will shut down the entire power sector. This bold statement comes in response to what the union describes as politically motivated charges against Ajaero, including terrorism financing, cybercrime, subversion, criminal conspiracy, and treasonable felony.

On August 19, the Intelligence Response Team (IRT) of the Nigerian Police Force summoned Joe Ajaero for questioning. The letter, signed by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, instructed Ajaero to appear at the IRT office the following day, August 20. It also carried a stern warning: if Ajaero failed to show up, he would be arrested.

The charges listed against Ajaero are serious, but the union believes they are baseless and part of a larger scheme to silence labor leaders in Nigeria. In response, the NUEE has vowed to take drastic action if Ajaero is detained, including the possibility of a nationwide power shutdown, which would plunge the country into darkness.

The NUEE’s Acting General Secretary, Igwebike Dominic, expressed the union’s outrage in a strongly worded statement. He condemned what he described as the “political machinations” behind Ajaero’s police invitation. According to Dominic, the charges against Ajaero are nothing more than a “witch-hunt,” aimed at intimidating and harassing labor leaders who dare to speak out against the government.

The union’s statement also criticized the federal government for its recent actions, including an alleged unlawful invasion of the NLC’s national headquarters. NUEE views these actions as part of a broader effort by the government to stifle free speech and suppress the labor movement, especially at a time when Nigerians are already suffering from economic hardships like hunger and hyperinflation.

In their statement, the NUEE warned the government to proceed with caution. The union argued that the country is already “angry and heated up” due to widespread poverty and hardship. According to the NUEE, instead of addressing these pressing issues, the government is focused on “chasing shadows” by targeting labor leaders.

The union also reminded the government that Nigeria is a democracy, where the people’s rights, including the right to free speech and to organize, should be protected. They emphasized that the government’s actions are not only unconstitutional but also violate international labor standards, specifically the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

If Ajaero is arrested, the NUEE has made it clear that they will follow the NLC’s directives and withdraw their services. This means that workers in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution will stop working, effectively shutting down the power sector. Such a move would have severe consequences for the entire country, disrupting businesses, schools, hospitals, and everyday life for millions of Nigerians.

The NUEE is already mobilizing its members across the country in preparation for this potential action. They are calling on their leaders at the national, zonal, state, and chapter levels to be ready to act if the government makes any move against Ajaero.

The situation is tense, and the union’s threat of a power sector shutdown is not one to be taken lightly. A nationwide blackout would have devastating effects, further compounding the economic challenges that Nigeria is currently facing. The NUEE’s statement reflects the growing frustration among many Nigerians who feel that their government is not addressing their needs and instead is focused on silencing dissent.


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