

Nigeria’s Gas Exports Drop 25% Amid Low Output and Market Exits

Nigeria's gas exports have fallen by 25% due to low production and market exits, posing significant challenges for the economy and its global energy market role.

NMDPRA Refutes Dangote Refinery’s Allegations, Says No Dirty Fuel in Nigeria

The Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) is refuting claims made by Dangote Refinery that the agency grants import licenses for low-quality fuel without proper checks. The NMDPRA emphasizes its commitment to ensuring clean fuel imports while acknowledging the deregulated market that...

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FG’s Stealth Operations: Rescuing 1,000 Abductees Without Ransom, NSA Reveals

NSA reveals secret operations, freeing 1,000 captives without ransom, marking a significant milestone in the fight against abduction.

Nigeria’s Maternity Dilemma: Tradition vs. Modern Healthcare Innovations

Delve into Nigeria's childbirth landscape, where tradition and modern healthcare intersect, shaping maternal and neonatal outcomes nationwide.

Lagos Announces Electricity Tariff Hike for 24-Hour Supply Areas

Lagos State's Band A customers face a significant electricity tariff hike, promising 20-24 hours of power supply daily to boost economic activities and quality of life.

Online Shopping Scams: A Growing Threat in Nigeria

Fraudulent online sellers are undermining Nigeria's e-commerce, deceiving buyers and tarnishing genuine retailers. Learn how to spot and avoid these scams.

HURIWA Questions Government’s Narrative on Kaduna Kidnappings

HURIWA challenges the Federal Government's account of rescuing 137 kidnapped Kaduna pupils without arrests, demanding transparency and criticizing the handling of the children's emotional and psychological trauma.

Two Doctors Charged in Lagos for Patient’s Death After Surgery

In Lagos, two esteemed doctors face involuntary manslaughter charges for allegedly failing to administer anaesthetics properly, leading to a patient's death, sparking debates on medical accountability.

Abakaliki Hosts Dialogue on Conflict Resolution for Community Growth

Abakaliki dialogue emphasizes multidimensional approaches to resolving conflicts for progress.

Offices Transform into Homes Amid Economic Shift

As the economy wobbles, property owners pivot, converting offices to apartments and short-lets, adapting to work trends and recouping investments in Nigeria's changing landscape.

Empowering Nigerian Women: Tinubu’s Bold Initiative Unveiled

President Tinubu launches four transformative projects to boost Nigerian women's economic influence and societal roles, marking a historic step towards empowerment.

Peter Obi Champions Unified Front Against Nigeria’s Escalating Security Crisis

Peter Obi demands robust action against Nigeria's banditry, highlighting the link between security and poverty alleviation, and the urgent need for unified efforts to restore peace and economic stability.

Empowering Safe Online Spaces: Nigeria Champions Child Protection

Nigeria takes a bold step with the Child Online Access Protection Bill, aiming to shield our kids from digital dangers and foster a secure internet playground.

Abuja Looting Crisis: Hunger Drives Desperate Food Raids

In Abuja, escalating hunger and economic challenges spark widespread looting for food. Citizens, driven by desperation, target warehouses amid Nigeria's severe food insecurity crisis.

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Nigeria’s Gas Exports Drop 25% Amid Low Output and Market Exits

Nigeria's gas exports have fallen by 25% due to low production and market exits, posing significant challenges for the economy and its global energy market role.

NMDPRA Refutes Dangote Refinery’s Allegations, Says No Dirty Fuel in Nigeria

The Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) is refuting claims made by...

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